Saturday, 8 October 2011

retain, retain, gain?

Attempted the salt water flush again last night to no avail. But actually, nothing came out. Now I'm retaining water like crazy-- woke up at 153! ACK! NOTHING with any sodium at all today, I'm sticking mostly to fruit. Thanksgiving weekend, I will conquer YOU!

On a completely separate note, I've been feeling super frustrated with my lack of exercise lately. Usually I love running but I seem to have fallen off the wagon this week! Ack! Midterms are probably the worst for this kind of shit. I get completely absorbed in school and everything else falls apart! I'm up late, usually bingeing, and a complete lazy slob. FUCK. No excuses, Grace, this is NEVER acceptable. 

So far have had a handful of peanuts. Hopefully going to get me thru this am's mad study session. Have to stay away from fridge. And under NO circumstances will I go to boy's house. He hardly has fruit/veggies/soup and usually ends up eating pasta/KD crap when I'm around for lack of anything else. On the bright side, I'm veg so I won't touch the meat stuff, but I need to develop a little more willpower if I'm going to be over this weekend. The stress is KILLING ME! If only I were strong.... if only I were strong...

153 is a truly depressing number.

xo, Gracie


  1. i'm also at 153lbs. it's insane.
    i actually have been so busy with schoolwork that fasting has become easy. xD.
    i'm the type that can fast if busy enough. happily enough.
    i know what you mean.
    best of luck, Gracie! <3

    xo, Sam Lupin

  2. Just want to say, with the salt water cleanse... did you use plain table salt, or sea salt,because that's what you're supposed to use... I did it tonight, and about 1-3 hours later, I was on the porcelain throne for a good 1-2 hours haha

  3. I used plain table salt haha.
